Motor Carriers Resource

Motor Carrier 360 Tour

  • Georgia Ports is pleased to provide access to a new orientation video detailing the credentialing and traffic procedures at Garden City Terminal. We ask truck drivers and other terminal users to review this in-depth visual guide to ensure everyone at GCT is moving safely.

People who regularly access Georgia Ports’ marine terminals (five port visits in a 365-day period) must have a Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC) and a GPA issued identification badge. Badges issued through either the Savannah or Brunswick Credentialing Centers will be accepted at all GPA terminals. For more information, visit GPA Credentialing.

Radio Frequency Identification Tags (RFID) are required on all tractors for delivery and pick-up. An RFID tag may be obtained at the GPA Credentialing Center.

At the pedestal you will need:


  • Container PIN
  • Tractor license plate number
  • Name of trucking company
  • Load or empty
  • Steamship line
  • Booking number, container number or EDO Number


For detailed gate process information, please reference the Garden City Terminal User Guide.

Find the complete gate schedule for Garden City Terminal here.

Find the complete gate schedule for Ocean Terminal here.

Use trouble telephones at the general trouble kiosks at Gates 3, 4 and 8 between the pedestal and inspection canopy.

If you need emergency assistance, call the Security Operation Center:

  • Emergency: (912) 964-3911 or 911 (Outside Assistance)
  • Non-emergency: (912) 963-5588 or 5589

March 2021