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Inland Ports

Staying ahead of demand, preparing for the future

An efficient option to move, stage cargo in a single trip

The inland port model means containers can be trucked for shorter distances and staged at the intermodal yard, where they are loaded onto trains moving hundreds of containers in a single trip.

Extend GPA's reach and our capacity to meet the growing demands

Offer important opportunities for economic development

Stage cargo closer to population centers

Extend port gates

Save millions of truck miles

Attract new businesses

Appalachian Regional Port

The Appalachian Regional Port is a joint effort of the state of Georgia, Murray County, the Georgia Ports Authority and CSX Transportation. The new inland rail terminal, which opened in August 2018, provides a powerful new gateway to global markets.

Bainbridge Terminal

Owned and operated by the Georgia Ports Authority, Bainbridge is conveniently located on the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint Waterway, or Tri-Rivers System. The facility is equipped to handle a variety of bulk cargo via barge traffic, including nitrogen solution, gypsum, ammonium sulfate, urea, cottonseed and cypress bark mulch.

Blue Ridge Connector

The planned 104-acre Blue Ridge Connector will provide a direct link to the Port of Savannah via Norfolk Southern. At full build-out, the rail terminal will feature 18,000 feet of working track. With a top capacity of 150,000 container lifts per year, the facility will offset 600 roundtrip highway miles for every container moved by rail.