Port Police Report Form

    Has a personal, professional, or business connection with a party to the accident.Owns or leases an interest in property allegedly or actually damaged in the accident.Was allegedly or actually injured by the accident.Was a witness to the accident.Is the actual or alleged insurer of a party to the accident or of property actually or allegedly damaged by the accident.Is a prosecutor or a publicly employed law enforcement officer.Is alleged to be liable to another party as a result of the accident."Is an attorney stating he or she needs the requested reports as part of a criminal case, or an investigation of a potential claim involving contentions that a roadway, railroad crossing, or intersection is unsafe."Is gathering information as a representative of a news media organization."Is conducting research in the public interest for such purposes as accident prevention, prevention of injuries or damages in accidents, determination of fault in an accident or accidents, or other similar purposes; provided, however, this subparagraph will apply only to accident reports on accidents that occurred more than 60 days prior to the request and which shall have the name, street address, telephone number, and driver’s license number redacted.Is a government agency, requesting reports as part of official duties.