Georgia Ports Authority’s online Insta-Rate tool assists customers – primarily brokers, freight-forwarders and cargo owners – in determining their Marine Terminal Operator Schedules (MTOS), formerly known in the industry as tariffs.
Insta-Rate allows people anywhere in the world to quickly and easily find charges by service and commodity, using a series of drop-down menus to pinpoint the exact MTOS section that relates to their cargo.
“Georgia Ports is committed to world-class customer service,” said GPA Executive Director Curtis Foltz. “Our first-in-the-nation Client Relations Center handles tracking of containers and gate-related issues, while the valued Insta-Rate web tool assists customers with pricing.”
Customers who use Insta-Rate for the first time are surprised at the ease of using the site, as well as the time saved during the pricing process. What used to take multiple calls or emails can now be done in just a few clicks. While other ports post their rate schedules online, GPA is the first to use an interactive module.
Although many rely on Insta-Rate for its ease of use, GPA staff can still walk customers through the process.
“We have noticed a significant reduction in call frequency, for initial quotes and verifications, thanks to our Insta-Rate tool,” said Robert Prescott, Manager for Pricing and Logistics at Georgia Ports Authority. “In the past, our customers wanted everything in writing. We’re here to show them they can still have written documentation by utilizing Insta-Rate on their own, at times that are convenient.”
Insta-Rate sets a new industry standard on communication with customers. Find out how Insta-Rate can help you move cargo more efficiently here.