Port of Brunswick
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Bacon ipsum dolor amet corned beef leberkas ham hock, swine pastrami cow landjaeger. Bresaola tail ribeye landjaeger boudin, short ribs turducken t-bone strip steak burgdoggen hamburger ham hock kevin kielbasa. Turkey tenderloin pastrami landjaeger ground round pork chop. Pork loin t-bone meatball sausage. Brisket boudin tri-tip flank.
Venison shank sirloin, brisket pancetta turkey beef shankle tenderloin boudin ground round chuck. Swine kielbasa burgdoggen andouille shankle drumstick jowl porchetta spare ribs. Sirloin biltong corned beef, kielbasa bresaola tenderloin porchetta pastrami. Shank picanha turducken shoulder.
With nearly 10,000 feet of contiguous berth space, the Port of Savannah can adjust to changes to your schedule.
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The Savannah Model refers to the strategy of bringing distribution centers to the area for major retail outlets such as Target, Walmart, Ikea, The Home Depot and Pier 1. These facilities are within minutes of Garden City Terminal, reducing drive time and increasing supply chain efficiency.
There have been two direct benefits of bringing the distribution centers here. First, these major retailers influenced the shipping lines to bring more cargo to Savannah, benefiting Georgia’s logistics industry and giving exporters greater choice in global cargo transport.
Secondly, when the arriving import containers are emptied, they provide a steady supply of boxes for Georgia exports. Prior to the implementation of this strategy, Georgia producers experienced a shortage of export containers. Thanks to the foresight of GPA and state leaders in the 1990s, the Port of Savannah now acts as a logistics hub serving a multi-state region.
Interstate Access
CSX Transportation and Norfolk Southern Railroad provide Class I service and operate on-terminal.
CSX Transportation serves the Chatham Intermodal Container Transfer Facility (ICTF), while Norfolk Southern Railroad calls the James D. Mason ICTF. Both on-terminal ICTF’s are owned and operated by the Georgia Ports Authority. Two- to five-day double-stack rail service is available to inland destinations such as Atlanta, Charlotte, Chicago, Dallas, Memphis, and beyond.
Through a federal mandate, all port users of Garden City Terminal must carry a Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC) in addition to a GPA credential. The terminal has a monitored fencing system outlining the entire perimeter of the facility, and video surveillance to oversee on-terminal port activity. A specialized unit of port police officers conduct surveillance of the facility and check all port users and visitors for credentials, both inbound and outbound traffic 24-hours a day, seven days a week.
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Care about our neighbors – locally, regionally, nationally and globally. Care about our neighbors – locally, regionally, nationally and globally.
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To empower entrepreneurs, strengthen industries, sustain communities and fortify families by relentlessly striving to accelerate global commerce.
Ensure everyone goes home the way they arrived.
Do the little things right, even when nobody is watching.
Treat others as you would want them to treat you.
Care about our neighbors – locally, regionally, nationally and globally.
Think beyond our ports to the entire supply chain.
The statewide economic impact of Georgia’s ports in Fiscal Year 2017 includes:
In Sales
11 percent of Georgia’s total sales
In State GDP
8 percent of Georgia’s total GDP
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