By the Numbers
The Story, In Numbers, of GPA’S Success
Its easy to say a port is successful but more meaningful when that story is quantified. This portion of the website looks at the aspects of GPA’s business by many sectors. Whether its tradelanes or commodities, imports or exports, TEUs or short tons, you will find a good part of the GPA’s growth story here by the numbers. GPA’s Market Research and Development team wants you to have the information, not only in numbers, but in trends and analysis so that you know the metrics of GPA growth and understand where GPA was, is, and soon will be.
Port of Savannah TEU Throughput by Month (through December 2024)
Port of Savannah Total Annual Container Trade by Fiscal Year
Georgia Ports Authority Total Annual Tonnage by Fiscal Year
Port of Savannah Total Annual Vessel Calls by Fiscal Year
Georgia Ports Authority Total Annual Vessel Calls by Fiscal Year
Port of Savannah Five Year History for the Top 10 Export Commodity Groups (Fiscal Year)
Port of Savannah Five Year History for the Top 10 Import Commodity Groups (Fiscal Year)
Port of Savannah Five Year History for the Top 10 Export Trade Lanes (Fiscal Year)
Port of Savannah Five Year History for the Top 10 Import Trade Lanes (Fiscal Year)
Georgia Ports Authority
P.O. Box 2406 | Savannah, GA 31408 | Email