Thermoplastic Paint Installation – Major Areas – GCT
Garden City Terminal
Project Id:
Bid Type:
Awarded Bids
Engineering / Maintenance
Bid Posted Date:
April 13, 2022
Bid Documents Available:
April 13, 2022
Bid Due Date:
April 27, 2022
Upgrade pavement markings for safety, CB1, 2 and 3 stack roadways, Mega-Rail loading bays and numbering.
Work includes, but is not limited to base bid, providing all labor and transportation for striping, and services required to stripe pavement requested by Georgia Ports Authority (GPA) at the Garden City Terminal.
- Contractor shall install thermoplastic numbers and double yellow lines in each of the RMG bomb cart slots in the Mason yard.
- Contractor shall provide any/all material and equipment necessary for the installation of 5’’ wide White Thermoplastic traffic type paint needed for cross terminal road and berth road.
- Contractor shall provide any/all equipment, labor, and material necessary for the installation of 5’’ wide Yellow Thermoplastic traffic type paint needed for cross terminal road and berth road.