Hinge Point and Trolley Rail Repairs
Garden City Terminal
Project Id:
Bid Type:
Awarded Bids
Maintenance / Operations
Bid Posted Date:
September 18, 2023
Bid Documents Available:
September 18, 2023
Bid Due Date:
October 9, 2023
12 mo. contract to provide all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and other services required for welding and grinding, as required, to realign/resurface the area at the hinge point and to improve the trolley ride on ship-to-shore container crane(s), designated as Savannah 16-49, RMG 1-10 located at the Garden City Terminal, and Sav 15 and OT1-8 at Ocean Terminal. This contract shall also include additional Certified Welding and fabrication repairs as needed.
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