Obstructions and Cargo Left on Wharf
October 1, 2024
August 1, 2024
( A ) Stevedores must promptly remove all appliances, equipment, tools, vehicles, or other materials—excluding throughput cargo—from the wharves when not in use. If any such items remain after notice from the Authority, a penalty of $508.00 will be imposed on the responsible stevedoring company. The Authority may also remove and store the items at the owner’s expense.
( B ) No cargo may remain on wharves unless written approval is granted by the Authority in advance of cargo arrival. This section applies to breakbulk cargo, over-dimensional cargo containers discharged from or loaded to vessels, cargo unloaded from containers at the same terminal, and any other cargo. When cargo is placed on the Authority’s wharf without prior written approval terminal free time will not be granted, and the ocean carrier will be assessed daily charges as listed below in Section D. Additionally, the Authority may transfer the cargo to a secondary point of rest and assess a minimum charge of $2,912.00, per unit, to the ocean carrier.
( C ) When a stevedore discharges a flatrack to a mafi trailer, it may be necessary for the Authority to move the loaded mafi trailer to a proper point of rest. If the preceding occurs, and the Authority unloads the cargo from the flatrack while it is upon the mafi, the Authority will assess a third-party crane charge to the ocean carrier, which is subject to a minimum of $1,612.00, per unit.
( D ) Regarding import cargo, the cargo account, or its customs broker, must ensure proper releases are obtained from both the ocean carrier and all required governmental agencies before the cargo leaves the Authority’s terminal. Daily Charge – $2,080.00, per unit, (See Notes 1, 2, and 3)
Note 1: This rule will also apply to boat and yacht cradles.
Note 2: The day the cargo is placed on the wharf shall be considered the first calendar day.
Note 3: This charge will be assessed in full, regardless of any discount provisions in separate
agreements with the Authority.