




Subject Container Storage and Container Yard Service Charges


March 25, 2024


March 25, 2024

Chassis or Containers For Sale, in Out-of-Service, Long Storage, Off-Hire, or Major Damage Status  
Per chassis, bundled chassis, or container, per day (Note 9) $ 87.00
Non-married tri-axle and/or genset chassis, per chassis, per day $ 87.00
Empty Containers, per container (Note-1)  
When allowable empty container inventory is at allocation or up to 29% over allocation, per container $10.00  tier 1 rate
When exceeding allowable empty container inventory by 30% -49%, per container $15.00  tier 2 rate
When exceeding allowable empty container inventory by 50% -99%, per container $20.00  tier 3 rate
When exceeding allowable empty container inventory by 100% or higher, per container $25.00  tier 4 rate
International Loaded Containers, as defined herein  (Note 2)  
After Free Time Expires (See Rule 34-505)  
Days 1-3, per TEU, per day $ 17.00
Days 4-6, per TEU, per day $ 30.00
Days 7-20, per TEU, per day $ 43.00
Each Additional Day, per TEU, per day $ 86.00
Out of Gauge containerized cargo, as defined herein (Note 10)  
After Free Time Expires (See Rule 34-505)  
Days 1-3, per TEU, per day $ 45.00
Each Additional Day, per TEU, per day $ 90.00
ISO Tank Container (loaded or empty), as defined herein (Note 12)  
After Free Time Expires (See Rule 34-505)  
Days 1-3, per TEU, per day $35.00
Each Additional Day, per TEU, per day $90.00

The Authority Dray of Containers or Chassis between Intermodal Rail Facility and Container Yard, per container 

This rate is only applicable to chassis/containers with a prior or subsequent vessel move via Georgia Ports Authority Terminals.


Early Arrival Facilitation Fee

The early arrival of   Containers or Chassis at Intermodal Rail Facility before the receiving window opens, per container.


Non-Vessel Terminal Use Fee

This rate is applicable to containers without prior or subsequent vessel move via Georgia Ports Authority Terminals.

Import Arrivals via Motor or Intermodal (Rail) Carrier

Export Departures via Motor or Intermodal (Rail) Carrier





(non-government and container yard related only)


Hazardous Class Terminal Use Fee, per container
This rate is applied to all hazardous classes as defined in 49 CFR 172.101 and 173 (except hazardous classes 1.1-Mass Explosive Hazard, 1.2-Projection Hazard, Class 1.4 Explosives, and 7- Radioactive Materials).


Hazardous Class Surcharge, per container  
This rate is applied to Class 1.1-Mass Explosive Hazard, Class 1.2-Projection Hazard, Class1.4 Explosives, and Class 7 (Radioactive Materials).










Chassis Conveyance Fee, per chassis

$ 37.00



Company/Trucker-Owned Chassis Terminal Use Fee


This rate is applicable to company/trucker-owned chassis or flatbed that are left on the Authority’s terminals. 




Digging, per container moved to access a specific container


In completing empty container mounts, the Authority will not be required to dig. Mounts will be accomplished by equipment type requested. The first available container will be mounted from the appropriate stack bay. A charge per container move will be assessed if digging is requested to mount a specific container.

$ 79.00



Equipment Bundling/Unbundling (At Request of Ocean Carrier or Chassis Pool)

This rate is based on the number of units to be placed on/removed from the bottom unit, per unit
(See Notes 3 and 4)


$ 86.00



Equipment Bundling (For Terminal Operational Efficiency), per bundle (Note 5)

$ 86.00



Flip, per container

$ 131.00



Return to Stack




Seal Change or Seal Installation, per container

$ 30.00



Segregation (Grounding / Mounting) For Inspection, per container per move

$ 65.00



Supplemental Intermodal (Rail) Lift, per container

$ 86.00



Weighing Containers (Gross, tare, net), per container


     After Arrival/Placement in Stack Location Using Truck Scale


     After Arrival/Placement in Stack Location Using RTG





Providing Electrical Power to Pre-Trip Empty Containers, per container 

$ 56.00



Providing Electrical Power for Loaded Containers, per container per 24-hour period or fraction thereof

$ 56.00



Refrigerated Container Facilitation Fee, per container

$ 54.00





Intra-Terminal Relocation (within the terminal), per chassis, container, or married unit, per move:



$ 55.00





Off-Terminal Relocation Import and Export Loaded Containers: applicable to containers on terminal for more than thirty (30) consecutive calendar days), per container (Note 11)

$709.00 – Truck Relocation

$945.00 – Outbound (from GCT) Rail Relocation

$473.00 – Inbound (to GCT) Rail Relocation



Off -Terminal Relocation Empty Containers exceeding twenty-nine (29%) of the Allowable Empty Container inventory, per container

(Note 13)

$709.00 – Truck Relocation

$945.00 – Outbound (from GCT) Rail Relocation

$473.00 – Inbound (to GCT) Rail Relocation



Chassis/Containers Left On Dock


     Relocate to Yard, per chassis

$ 55.00

     Relocate to Stack, per container



(Consolidated Non-Contract)



Cellular Vessels: Non-Contract Consolidated Rate, per Container or Chassis





Inclusive of the rate: wharfage, dockage, container crane rental, and handling equipment during vessel operations, receive and deliver to/from container stacks, stevedore use fee, and weighing export loaded container received via motor carrier-applies to initial in-gate arrival or via GPA’s Intermodal Container Transfer Facilities.





Non-Cellular Vessels: Non-Contract Consolidated Rate, per Container or Chassis



Inclusive of the rate: wharfage, dockage, container crane rental,  handling equipment during vessel operations, receiving and delivering to/from container stacks, stevedore use fee, and weighing export loaded container received via motor carrier-applies to initial in-gate arrival or via GPA’s Intermodal Container Transfer Facilities..



Note 1: The Authority reserves the right to assess the tier 2, 3, and 4 empty container storage rates when applicable.

Note 2: TEU – Twenty-Foot Equivalent Unit
                A twenty-foot container = 1 TEU
                A forty-foot container = 2 TEU’s
                A forty-five container = 2.25 TEU’s

Note 3: The ocean carrier, or its M & R vendor, is responsible for supplying dunnage and banding when requesting bundling service.
Note 4: Charges are for the bundling/unbundling only. See Rule 34-630 for labor stand-by or guarantee time rates.
Note 5: When bundling is done for terminal operational efficiency, the bundles will not be suitable for transport.
Note 6: Reserved/Intentionally Left Blank
Note 7: Reserved/Intentionally Left Blank
Note 8: Reserved/Intentionally Left Blank
Note 9: Containers will remain in daily empty inventory and this rate will apply in conjunction with the monthly empty container storage charge.
Note 10: Cargo that exceeds the normal dimensions of a standard container, flatrack, or platform by length, width, height, and/or a combination thereof.
Note 11: The Authority reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to immediately remove import and export loaded containers from the Authority’s facilities and relocate them to an off-terminal Authority or Third-Party storage facility at the expense and risk of the cargo owner after an import or export loaded container is on the terminal for more than thirty (30) consecutive calendar days.  An off-terminal truck relocation charge of $709.00, per container, to a local (within 10 miles) storage facility, or a rail relocation charge of  $945.00, per container, to an inland rail facility and, if applicable, a second rail relocation charge of $473.00, per container, to return the same container back to Garden City Terminal will be assessed to the ocean carrier. Terminal Storage charges will continue to accrue, while the container remains in an off-terminal Authority or Third-Party storage facility, and will be assessed to the ocean carrier. For operating efficiencies, the Authority will not be required to dig for a specific container number stored at the off-terminal storage facilities. The first available container will be provided for subsequent removal from the storage facility.

The Authority, at its sole discretion, will select the off-terminal storage facility. The Authority shall not be responsible for any charges, fines, citations, or other liabilities as a result of hauling loads in violation of weight regulations. Any overweight citation or fine is chargeable to the ocean carrier at cost plus fifteen percent (15%).

Note 12: ISO Tank (loaded or empty) containers of all dimensions, as defined in MTOS Rule 34-505, are deemed as specialty cargo that has stowage limitations in the Container Yard.

Note 13: The Authority reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to Immediately remove empty containers from the Authority’s facilities and relocate them to an off-terminal Authority or Third-Party storage facility at the expense and risk of the ocean carrier when the ocean carrier’s Allowable Empty Container inventory exceeds twenty­ nine percent (29%). An off-terminal truck relocation charge of $709.00, per container, to a local (within 10 miles) storage facility, or a rail relocation charge of $945.00, per container, to an inland rail facility and, if applicable, a second rail relocation charge of $473.00, per container, to return the same container back to Garden City Terminal will be assessed to the ocean earner. Applicable off-terminal empty container storage fees will be assessed to the ocean carrier on a per-container basis and documented in a separate rate quote. For operating efficiencies, the Authority will not be required to dig for a specific container number stored at the off-terminal storage facilities. The first available container will be provided for subsequent removal from the storage facility. The Authority, at its sole discretion, will select the off-terminal storage facility. The Authority shall not be responsible for any charges, fines, citations, or other liabilities as a result of hauling empty containers.


If the empty container inventory does not exceed twenty-nine percent (29%) of the allowable empty container inventory (“ACEI”), the ocean carrier will be charged the first-tier empty container storage rate for that month.

If the empty container inventory exceeds the ACEI by thirty percent (30%) or more, the ocean carrier will be charged the tiered empty container storage rate that directly corresponds to the allocation overage. This charge will be assessed on the first day of the second consecutive month that the monthly allocation is exceeded.

The Authority is not required to notify ocean carriers when their empty container inventory approaches or exceeds the ACEI.

Note 15: If the Authority implements a container storage rate increase while the container is on the terminal, the entire storage period will be calculated using the increased storage rate.

Note 16: If the Authority implements any refrigerated services-related rate increase while the container is on the terminal, the increased rate will apply to the container for the entire period that electrical power was provided.