GE Appliances receives supply chain award


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GE Appliances, the Louisville, Ky.-based home appliance manufacturer, was selected as one of the Top Supply Chain Projects Award recipients for 2021 by Supply & Demand Chain Executive.

The achievement came after its renovations of its inbound transportation strategy and its new Southern Logistics Center (SLC) in Crandall, Ga. The SLC opened on March 9, 2020, just one week before COVID-19 shutdown many parts of the country. GE Appliances has been able to provide parts necessary for essential appliances in the U.S., despite supply chain shortages elsewhere.

“The success of our Southern Logistics Center has been a homerun for our supply chain,” said Harry Chase, director for advanced manufacturing-strategic materials for GE Appliances. “We are extremely thankful for the support and continued partnership from the state of Georgia, the Georgia Ports Authority and the Georgia Department of Economic Development.”

Located just two miles from the Appalachian Regional Port (ARP), the SLC brings a large volume of containers to the inland port, puts goods closer to major markets and offsets truck miles on Georgia highways. The ARP is part of a broader plan to establish inland rail yards across the state, reducing the need for long-haul trucking. These more fuel-efficient options help to decrease energy consumption and lower the environmental footprint of the logistics industry in Georgia.

“The ARP has proven to be a huge success story for the Georgia Ports Authority,” said GPA Executive Director Griff Lynch. “We congratulate GE Appliances on their recent award and thank them for choosing the ARP for their logistics needs. The ARP provides our customers with efficient, cost-effective rail access.”

The ARP’s success comes as many companies look to establish operations farther inland, but still maintain the unmatched connectivity and reliability of Georgia’s deepwater ports. For Fiscal Year 2021, the ARP handled 34,122 rail lifts, an increase of 26 percent, or 6,990 additional lifts.

GE Appliances builds more than 2,500 appliances per hour in its nine U.S. plants. With more than two billion materials and components to manage, the SLC will make appliance assembly more efficient. The Southern Logistics Center is operated by third-party logistics company Comprehensive Logistics Co.